Advisor Farooq Ahmed Khan assures to address the pending issues of Ladakh
5 Dariya News
Leh 28-Sep-2019
Advisor to Governor, Farooq Khan chaired a meeting with elected members of LAHDC, Leh headed by Chairman/ Chief Executive Councilor LAHDC, Leh Gyal P Wangyal.Divisional Commissioner Ladakh Saugat Biswas, Deputy Commissioner Leh Sachin Kumar, SSP, Leh Sargun Shukla and other district officers were also present in the meeting at Council Secretariat today.Addressing the meeting, the Advisor said that efforts are on to address the issues of Ladakh and fulfill their demands. He said that all the issues and cases should be routed through the office of Divisional Commissioner that will be given priority in terms of approval and implementation.Mr. Khan advised Council to put a ban on the import of all kinds of chemicals fertilizers in Ladakh with the help of Police. He also emphasized on strengthening of Rural Dev. Department and said that Governor’s Administration is working seriously on reorganization of this department and filling of all the required posts from top to bottom. CEC Wangyal raised various pending issues and problems concerned with Advisor Khan and requested for early redressal.