Woman farmer shows way in progressive farming, cultivates fig, expects handsome return
Expects Rs 2 lacs from one acre
5 Dariya News
Mansa 29-Jul-2019
Krishna Devi from village Khaira Kalan in Sardulgarh tehsil on Mansa is the new princess of figs expecting to earn Rs 2 lacs from one acre from 7 months old crop.Married to farmer Sultan, she has been farming with her husband, ploughing with tractors, removing weeds, harvesting the crops et al. Together they are farming on 48 acres of land taken on lease.Parent to five well educated children, they started fig farming on an acre of land in March 2018 and harvested the first crop in October 2018. A great source of fibre and vitamins, its dried form is added to many medicines as one of the best sources of energy that sold out at Rs 300 per kg. "Grass weeds are enemies of fig, so we ensured that not even a speck of grass grew. instead of using laborers for the same we did it on our own," says Krishna.Each plant keeps bearing fruits for 20 years and every plant bears from 5 to 6 kg fruit. 400 plants stand in an acre of land.Besides this they cultivate cotton in 29 acres, bajra in 3 acres, guara in 4 acres and paddy in 3 acres.SDM Sardulgarh Mr Latif Ahmed, who has been the motivation behind this farmer couple says that the couple has been working on the land that earlier had sand dune and long grass standing over it. He adds that farmers should take cue from Krishna and Sultan whose dint hardwork shines in their field. "Farmers should become more experimental and adopt such crops that yield good income. Sheer hardwork and working with own hands is the need of hour," he says.