Surrender of 1975, robbery of 1987 and betrayal of 1996 last nails in the coffin of internal autonomy : Sajad Gani Lone
5 Dariya News
Srinagar 03-Apr-2019
Challenging the National Conference to a debate on the Erosion of State Autonomy and the central role played by the NC, Sajad Lone blasted the NC president for adapting lies and deceit not just as a way of life but a cardinal aspect of their political doctrine practiced and perfected over three generations in pursuit of power by all and every means.Addressing a large gathering of workers in Khumriyal, Lolab, Sajad called out the NC President for his statement that their family had always safeguarded J&K’s Autonomy.“No other lineage in the state has singlehandedly trampled over the states autonomy as have the Abdullah’s in pursuit of treacherous self-interest yet have the temerity to continue lying unabashedly and peddling constant deceptions”, he said.He went on to question the Abdullah’s 36 years’ rule in intervals between 1975 to 2014 and asked NC to provide one instance where anyone from the three generations of Abdullah’s in successive stints in power have made any serious efforts towards the reversal of the erosions meted out to Art. 370.“There have been 44 erosions n total all undertaken either by the NC or their partners in crime the Congress - their permanent allies and presently “friendly opposition. Sheikh Abdullah after assuming power in 1975 made the amendments include Constitution Order 100 dated 29-06-1975, Constitution Order 101 dated 23-07-1975, Constitution Order 104 dated 25-05-1976, Constitution Order 108 dated 31-12-1977, Constitution Order 122 dated 04-06-1985 and Ordinance No. III of 1976 amending to section 4 of the Land Grants Act, 1960.Sajad said that it was during the elections of 1996 the ensuing conflict put New Delhi on the back foot and desperate for political participation, it was willing to restore internal autonomy in Jammu & Kashmir.“The then PM Narasimha Rao put forth the offer “Sky is the Limit”. This was the perfect moment - “Stalemate in Conflict” when Kashmir had a chance to redeem its special status and the bargaining leverage to extract a dignified deal from a beleaguered New Delhi. However, Farooq Abdullah stepped in and true to his legacy struck a deal to ensure his own return to power”, he added.
Sajad said that Farooq Abdullah yet again chose to steal the rare opportunity of restoration of internal autonomy by contesting elections in 1996, when no party in Kashmir was ready to fight elections.“This one act overshadowed the power of the moment and literally walking over the dead bodies of the victims of stolen elections engineered by the Abdullah’s in 1987. Farooq Abdullah’s decision to contest elections squandered yet another opportunity and effected yet another betrayal. The surrender in 1975, robbery of 1987 and betrayal of 1996 are perhaps the last nails in the coffin as far as internal autonomy goes”, he added.Exposing NC’s duplicity further Lone reiterated their double speak on the reversal of the designation of PM and President of the state, Sajad said that it was under the stewardship of Sheikh Abdullah in 1975 that amendment to Art. 368 of the Indian constitution was instituted which blocked the reversal making the demotion a permanent feature of the state polity."By accepting the designation to the post of Chief Minister in 1975 in a stark climb down from his previous position as Wazeer-e-Azam Sheikh Abdullah endorsed the demotion and sanctified all previous erosions enacted to the Autonomy of the state”, he added.Sajad further said that he embarked upon a process of further insidious undermining of the special status as an essential quid pro quo to hang on to power at all costs.“A legacy that continues to be engrained in the Abdullah political conduct whether as the BJP’s Deputy Foreign Minister trotting the globe endorsing New Delhi’s stance on Kashmir at the cost of denying Kashmiri aspirations or Dr Farooq Abdullah’s. The Abdullah dynasty will stoop to any level to barter the interests of the state - a feat repeatedly undertaken by each generation as long as it ensures their continuity in power”, he added. (GNS)