State Level World TB Day participatory workshop organised
5 Dariya News
Palampur 24-Mar-2019
Red Arrow human chain, face painting messaging, contests & open dialogue- panel discussion on bending the curve through Multi-sectoral convergent efforts mark World TB Day colourful event at Palampur, India.At the State Level World TB Day participatory workshop organised by the health department in collaboration with Rotary Club Palampur, (Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, located in the western himalayan region of north India), Dr Bhanu Awasthi Principal of Medical College Tanda chief guest stated that as TB is not only a disease but a social problem and it adversely affects the poor and marginalized population in the spheres of poverty, employment, nutrition, housing, working conditions etc. Despite concerted efforts, Tuberculosis, causes more deaths than any other infectious disease worldwide and is one of the leading killers among people of working age with potential catastrophic social and economic consequences for families, communities, and countries. Dr Bhanu has been instrumental with introduction of new drugs Bedaquiline in the region and displayed exemplary leadership.Dr. Gurdarshan Gupta Chief Medical Officer Kangra stated that each year India has 28 lakh new cases, more than 4 lakh deaths, and economic losses of $23bn from TB, making it India’s biggest health crisis. The rising levels of drug resistant TB pose a major threat to health security. He elaborated on the WHO roadmap to end TB.Dr Ravinder Kumar Consultant from World Health Organization shared that currently TB incidence is declining by about 1-2% per year and to achieve the NSP goal by 2025, we need to have an accelerated annual decline in TB incidence by about 15-20%. For this we need to optimize utilization of the existing strategies and ensure universal access through free diagnosis and treatment services, and solutions to reach the last mile. He elaborated that the theme of this year ‘It’s Time for a world without TB’ raised urgency to act fast.
Such multi-faceted issues are often beyond the domain of health and call for comprehensive solutions, a multi-sectoral engagement can mainstream TB patients by innovative approaches and through their existing programs/schemes. It can effectively contribute towards ending TB in India by raising awareness about TB and promoting TB prevention measures, providing TB patients with quality care and socio-economic support. At this state level workshop held at Rotary Club Palampur, youth were creatively engaged through red arrow contests and face painting. ASHA workers took part in Rangoli contest (message with colours). Innovative messaging by face painting was done by youth of Sharan College of Education Kangra. Arti Thakur and Suman were Face painting winners, while Priya and Neha bagged second prize. In the red arrow poster contest entry of Parul Sharma was judged best, while Priya was second best and Pallavi Mankotia bagged third prize. The best rangoli message ware made by ASHA workers team of Tiliki and Kiran from Kandwari, team of Kavita and Anjana from Thural got second prize while Versha stood third. Videos by Medical College Tanda students Gaurav was adjudged first while team Garima and Ankita. Judges - Ajay Prasher Deputy Director Public Relation, Ashutoshi Guleri from Kayakalp and Rajeev Phull senior journalist appreciated the creative expressions of the youth.A panel discussion was held in on the occasion on role of stakeholders in accelerating the TB response through partnership was held in which experts from NGO, Rural Development, Health and Media participated and deliberated on the roadmap. It emanated from the discussion that multi-sectoral approach involves reaching out to large number of populations with information on prevention and TB care related services. Print, electronic and digital Media are important stakeholders in our fight against TB.Senior journalist Archana Phull on the panel shared that an informed media has helped in drawing public attention to the disease and has been a valuable support in disseminating information about the services available under RNTCP to the community at large.
NGOs, Panchayati Raj institutions and schools can play a yeoman role in spreading awareness and dispelling myths and misconceptions. Sh Munish Sharma Deputy Director cum Project Officer District Rrural Development Agency discussed the TB Mukt (Free) Panchayat initiative in the state and expressed support for the campaign. During the TB Mukt (Free) Abhiyan in Himachal Pradesh in recent year, the TB response has evolved from medical to social movement in the state. The matter be discussed in Ward Sabha and Gram Sabha (meetings of local self government bodies, at hamlet and village level). The called for strengthening the Village Health and Sanitation committee. Dr RK Baria State TB Officer who chaired the panel discussion, shared In Himachal, around 16,472 TB cases were registered in 2018, of which 433 were drug resistant TB patients. He elaborated on various initiatives to decrease stigma and scale up CBNAAT testing and increase access to services. “TB forums and Zila Kshay Rog Unmolan Samitis (District TB Elimination Boards) have been constituted, he added.Sukhdev Vishvapremi from Rural Technology Development Centre stated that NGOs need to be involved in planning process, he called for integrated approach for prevention of TB including nutrition education, and to run a mass awareness in campaign mode with simplified people friendly awareness materialA short video on TB Services and challenges by Kriti Gupta, travel writer and blogger, was screened and this will be further disseminated through you tube channel altering apexThe participants also made a human chain in shape of red arrow, A Symbol to unite us Against TB. A symbol for solidarity towards a world without TB and unwavering commitment to move forward with the mission until we reach the finish line to End TB.District Governor Rotary Sunil Nagpal shared that national committee on TB is launching signature project for awareness in 103 clubs of north Indian states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab & Jammu Kashmir, to make the region TB free by 2025, and play active role as partner to make this a success.
Rotary Club has provided ration support to TB widows, which the only example of such kind in the world and source of inspiration for all.Dr Omesh Bharti noted public health expert and padamshree awardee (recognition given by president of India for excellence), stated that enthusiastic leadership is crucial to success of the programme, he expressed optimism that Himachal can be first state to control TB, if leadership able to take along the community. He called upon all to make it a people’s movement, USA was able to control TB much earlier even before TB medicine can into picture.Dr Rajesh Guleri District Health Officer, Kanga said that the National Strategic plan 2017-25 envisions a TB free India with decrease the morbidity and mortality by early diagnosis and treatment to all TB cases thereby cutting the chain of transmission, and objective of universal access, with objective of 90% case detection/ notification of all forms of TB; 90% success rate among new & 85% among re-treatment TB cases registered under RNTCP.Dr. Rajesh Sood District Tuberculosis Officer cum Epidemiologist stated that the under Revised National TB Control Programme (RNTCP) with WHO recommended DOTS strategy, diagnosis and treatment facilities including a supply of anti-TB drugs are provided free of cost to all TB patients. For quality diagnosis, CBNAAT Centres and designated microscopy centers have been established. A TB Mukt app for enabling quick navigation and access to nearest facility has already been launched in Himachal, he added.Rtn TB Survivor shared Sarita Korla shared her motivating experience openly with all, and appealed to all come openly.
A live quiz with audience on TB was held. NGOs including Ateryee Sen from Right to education forum, Ramesh Mastana from Uthan, Sukhdev Vishvapremi from RTDC, Bimla from Mahila Adhikar Manch, Gunjan, Kuldeep from Zindagi Zindabaad, Shailedner Singh from Abhivyakti Foundation, Rotary Club Palampur, Rajni Kaistha, Monica from Shira Dr Sonam from Delek Hospital who runs the Zero TB kids project and has rich experience in latent TB after Kerela also participated in the colourful event.The participants included Dr Vinay Mahajan Senior Medical Superintendent of Palampur Civil Hospital, Sh. LR Sharma State IEC Officer, Dr Parveen Distirct TB Officer from Una District of Himachal Pradesh, Sh. Chanchal Sharma President of Rotary Club Palampur, Dr Minaxi Gupta Block Medical Officer Gopalpur, Dr Dilawar Deol Block Medical Officer Mahakal, Social activist Vijay Kumar, Nikhil Sharma- like-skills experts, Narender Joshi from Akshay project, Youth & Nodal officers from Aim ITI Thakurdwara, Govt College Shahpur, Nagrota Bagwan, Guru Dronacharya College of Nursing, Sharan College of Education for Women, Sri Sai University and Govt. College Dehri , TB Champions, Pradhans (Village heads) from potential TB Mukt (Free) Panchayats (Village bodies), anganwari (nutrition scheme) workers, Health workers, supervisors, staff of TB control programme, AIDS Control programme, Delek Hospital TB Nurse, Accredited Social Health Activists, & Media persons.