Yasin Malik, leaders are still in police custody: JKLF
5 Dariya News
Srinagar 25-Dec-2018
Prolonging the incarceration of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik and others is a exhibition of the fact that India through its proxies wants to establish peace of graveyard in Kashmir. This should also serve as an eye opener to those who are habitually criticizing JRL and leaders and policies related to resistance. This was stated by various JKLF leaders while speaking at a meeting held at JKLF headquarters today.A meeting of JKLF leaders was held at party head office Abi-Guzar today in which various leaders participated and deliberated upon different issues concerning the resistance movement. In a statement to Valley Media Service, while speaking on the occasion, JKLF leaders said that suppression by military and police means has risen to new heights in Jammu Kashmir and police and forces have been let loose in Jammu Kashmir turning Kashmir into a police state where only the law of Jungle is prevailing. Speakers said that JKLF chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik was arrested along with vice chairman Mushtaq Ajmal, Muhammad Hanif Dar, Imtiyaz Ahmad Dar, Imtiyaz Ahmad Ganie, Shakir Ahmad Ahangar, Fayaz Ahmad and Basharat Ahmad from a peaceful protest at Lal Chowk.JRL, its constituents and the JKLF chairman along with his associates actually presented themselves before the occupational authorities with a motto ‘instead killings Kashmiris of one by one kill us all together’. Police resorted to tear and pepper smoke shelling, Lathi-charge and other oppressive measures and even do not spare women protesters.After using brute and naked force, police arrested JKLF chairman and others and booked them U/S 107,151 but on the next day when a magistrate bailed them out, police came up with new concocted charges like U/S 307 (attempt to murder) to prolong their incarceration.
After re-arrest, JKLF chairman and others were presented before a court which remanded them for seven days police custody which ended today. What is more astonishing is that those who used might to suppress a peaceful protest are charging those who became victims of their aggression with acts like 307 (attempt to murder), asserted JKLF speakers. Leaders said that jails and incarcerations are nothing new for JKLF and its leadership but this prolonged incarceration of Muhammad Yasin Malik and others for taking out a peaceful protest against unabated killings should serve as an eye opener for those who are habitually criticizing JRL, its leadership and policies/ programs related to resistance. Speakers said that these people sitting in their cozy rooms and actually promoting Indian narrative, on daily basis come up with new kinds of criticism regarding the resistance and JRL.Someday these people come up with critique on shut downs calling these as anti-people but when joint resistance leadership (JRL) comes up with peaceful alternative programs like candlelight protests or kill us all programs and police crackdown against JRL and its constituents is unleashed, these so-called ‘chameleon like thinkers’ vanish in thin air.JKLF leaders said that prolonged incarceration of Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) chairman Muhammad Yasin Malik and others is an exhibition of the fact that India through its proxies wants to establish peace of graveyard in Kashmir. They want to suppress every voice of dissent by police and military might, crumple our peaceful resistance and establish peace of graveyard in Kashmir but we want to tell them and proxies promoting their narratives that their day-dreaming will yield them nothing but shame and it is the oppressed that will God-willingly have the last laugh.It is worthy to mention that another JKLF leader, zonal organizer Bashir Ahmad Kashmiri is also languishing in police custody from a long time.(VMS)