B. B. Vyas for bringing vibrancy in Revenue Deptt functioning
Directs for fast-paced digitisation of records, Jamabandis
5 Dariya News
Jammu 15-Nov-2018
Advisor to Governor B. B. Vyas today directed the officers for bringing more vibrancy in the Revenue Department’s functioning besides directed for fast pacing of digitisation of records and updation of Jamabandis.The Advisor was addressing officers during a review meeting of the Revenue Department here today.Financial Commissioner Revenue Dr Pawan Kotwal, Divisional Commissioner Jammu Sanjeev Verma, Commissioner/Secretary Revenue Shahid Anayatullah, Custodian General Farooq Ahmad Shah, DC Jammu Ramesh Kumar and other senior officers of the Revenue Department were present.Divisional Commissioner Kashmir Baseer Ahmad Khan and Deputy Commissioners of all Districts participated in the meeting via Video Conferencing.The Advisor directed the officers to come up with a roadmap so that the functioning of the Department and its deliverance on the ground can be made more effective and people friendly. He said that the same would contribute in a large way to revolutionize the delivery system of the department besides also providing the people with the services within the shortest stipulated time.The Advisor said digitization process and updating Jamabandis will help in machining a comprehensive record with regard to the state land which would be beneficial while undertaking developmental projects.He said while undertaking the process the parameters like quality checking and clarity of the scanned documents should also be checked.The Financial Commissioner Revenue informed the Advisor that roughly 2.5 crore documents have been scanned till date against a target 3.5 crore which is to be completed by 31st July 2018.
He said that the progress is also being checked on a weekly basis and necessary instructions have already been passed for its speedy competition.The Advisor while reviewing the status of updation of Jamabandis directed for speeding up the process as it is one of the most important parameters for determining the nature of land and also its ownership. He said that the Deputy Commissioners should maintain weekly milestones of the work being undertaken so that the effective mechanism for getting the requisite feedback is undertaken.He also directed for framing a touring schedule for administrative inspections so that the implementation of writing/updation of Jamabandies, digitization of records and settlement work can be inspected on the ground.Further, Vyas directed for undertaking the mapping of the national highways and other major roads so that the encroachments are checked. He said that both the Divisional Commissioners should personally monitor the removal of encroachments, if any, and also put in place an effective mechanism for controlling and arresting the same. While reviewing the land related issues of the projects being undertaken under PMDP, the Advisor directed for its speedy clearance so that the work on these prestigious projects can be fast paced. He said that the Deputy Commissioners should also ensure that the Government land available/retrieved in various Districts should be used for undertaking construction for institutional purposes.The Advisor also directed for simplification of the procedures for issuance of PRCs and also adopting the revised uniform format of PRCs so that the process gets simplified.He also directed for constituting a cell for addressing various HR issues of the employees of the Revenue Department and timely conduct of DPCs.