On National Education Day, DSEK kick-starts enrolment week
5 Dariya News
Srinagar 11-Nov-2018
To commemorate National Education Day, Director School Education Kashmir (DSEK), Dr. G.N. Itoo, today kick-started enrolment week in schools here.Highlighting the need for increasing the enrolment of students in schools, DESK said that the students of the state have a lot of talent which needs to be groomed to nurture their capabilities.He said efforts are underway to further improve literacy rate of the State and make the vision of making the State successful in education sector a reality.Dr. Itoo expressed these views while participating as a chief guest in the Divisional Level function of National Education Day organized by Directorate of School Education Kashmir in collaboration with Navkriti Foundation, New Delhi in Zone Rainawari.DSEK said to nurture the potential of students and to achieve academic excellence, teachers need to be properly trained. He stressed on providing teachers with training as per the latest trends and practises in the field of education.President Navkriti Foundation Rajeev Kumar and Journalist Wajahat Qazi were the guests of honour in the function.The Foundation adopted Government BMS Kathidarwaza and will be setting up a computer lab and provide sports kits to the school.Earlier, DSEK unveiled the computers provided by Navkriti Foundation to BMS Kathidarwaza in presence of President Navkriti Foundation, General Secretary Asif Nabi Khan, CEO Srinagar, ZEO Rainawari and other officers of the Department.On the occasion of National Education Day, many events were organized in many schools of across Kashmir Division by Directorate of School Education Kashmir in which students, teachers, parents and educationists participated in large numbers.