Workshop on educational evaluation, paper setting concludes
5 Dariya News
Srinagar 12-Oct-2018
A five-day workshop on educational evaluation and paper setting concluded today at JKBOSE Bemina here.The workshop was organized by JKBOSE in collaboration with RIE Ajmer, NCERT in which 60 key resource persons (Lecturers/Masters/Teachers) from different subjects like English, Mathematics, Science, Urduwere trained by the experts from RIE Ajmer on the latest trends on evaluation and paper setting.On the occasion, Chairperson JKBOSE Veena Pandita said that teachers here are very efficient and they only need to get familiar with the latest trends in paper setting and evaluation. She said that the papers should be framed in such a way that students can compete with CBSE students and even surpass them.During his address, Director School Education Kashmir (DSEK) Dr. G.N. Itoo congratulated all the participants for the successful completion of the workshop and said that the Department will send these trainees for exposure visits to NCERT, New Delhi and other State Boards to make them familiar with the latest trends and practices in evaluation and paper setting.Secretary JKBOSE, Riyaz Ahmad appreciated the presentations of the participants and assured of adopting all the useful suggestions provided by the teachers.The experts from RIE Ajmer and NCERT also shared their experiences and views with participants.Director Academics Dr. Farooq Ahmad Peer formally thanked the faculty from NCERT and RIE Ajmer for benefitting the State with their expertise and assured of conducting such programmes in the future as well.On the occasion, the best presentations were awarded prizes and certificates. The experts from RIE Ajmer and NCERT New Delhi were also felicitated.