Nitin Gadkari Inaugurates 20 Ghats in Kanpur and Bithoor
5 Dariya News
Kanpur (Uttar Pradesh) 13-Aug-2018
Union Minister for Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation, Shipping, Road Transport & Highways Shri Nitin Gadkari inaugurated 20 newly constructed/ restored Ghats on river Ganga in Kanpur and Bithoortoday .The Minister also announced projects to tackle pollution from two of Kanpur’s biggest pollution hotspots – Jajmau- a source of industrial effluents and Sisamau – source of domestic sewage. Shri Gadkari announced that a20 MLD Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) has been approved forJajmau at an estimated cost of Rs. 554 crore (phase-1) for the treatment of effluent from tanneries.In addition, he also announced that the complete tapping of SisamauNalawould be done by October this year. 140 MLD of sewage from this nalla used to fall untreated into Ganga earlier. Of this, 80 MLD of sewage has already been diverted to Bingawan STP. The remaining diversion will be complete by October this year.
Speaking at a ceremony at Chandrasekhar Azad University in Kanpur today, ShriGadkari said that his Ministry is fully committed to cleaning Ganga and its tributary rivers, and there is no shortage of funds for this purpose. Stressing upon the need to create wealth from waste he said that methane from the sewage in Kanpur can be used for generating Bio-CNG, which can in turn be used for running the city transport.Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Shri Yogi Adityanath, Union Minister for Drinking Water and Sanitation, Sushri Uma Bharti, MoS, MOWR, RD & GR, Dr. Satya Pal Singh, Kanpur MP Shri Murli Manohar and other dignitaries were also present on the occasion.The 20 Ghats that were inaugurated today include Gola Ghat, SarsaiyaGhat, BhairavGhat, GuptarGhat, KoyalaGhat, MakjainGhat, SidhnathGhat, BhagwatdasGhat, Massacre Ghat, ParmatGhat, BhairavGhat, ChapparGhat, Mahila&Tulsi Ram Ghat, PandavGhat, PatharGhat, PanchlameshwarGhat, SitaGhat, Bharat Ghat, KaushalyaGhat and TutaGhat. Development of 4 Ghats and 3 crematoria are under progress and these will be inaugurated soon.
NamamiGange Projects in Kanpur
National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) has sanctioned 10 projects worth Rs. 2192 crore for Kanpur zonewhich includes Kanpur town, Unnao, Shuklaganj and Bithoor. The projects in Pankha (Kanpur), Unnao and Shuklaganj, as also the projects for rehabilitation and Operations & Maintenance (O&M) of the existing STPs at Jajmau&Bingawanhave been taken up under Hybrid AnnuityMode with O&M of 15 years and for the first time, One-Cluster-One-Operator approach has been taken to ensure accountability in operation of STPs and long term sustainability.In order to improve cleanliness, silt removal and proper upkeep of Ghats in Kanpur and Bithoor zone, NMCG has recently sanctioned a project for regular cleaning of Ghats for 3 years at an estimated cost of Rs. 6.07 crore. A trash skimmer for removal of floating trashis already deployed in Kanpur for river surface cleaning.
Kanpur Zone Sewage Profile & Interventions
In Kanpur town, the current sewage generation is estimated at 375 MLD which is expected to increase to 460 MLD by 2035. Kanpur town already has an existing sewage treatment capacity of 457 MLD (Jajmau-205 MLD, Bingawan-210 MLD and Sazari-42 MLD) whereas 15 MLD STP is under construction at Baniyapurwa.Importantly, in Kanpur town, the project to divert Sisamau drain has been sanctioned at an estimated cost of Rs. 63.8 crore. Significantly, 80 MLD sewage water is already diverted to Bingawan STP and complete diversion will be done by October 2018.Sewerage network of401 km will also be laid in Kanpur town. A new project to construct 30 MLD STP at Pankha in Kanpur along with rehabilitation and O&Mof existing STPs at Jajmau&Bingawanhas been taken up under Hybrid Annuity mode at an estimated cost of Rs. 967.34 crore.In Unnao, Shuklaganj and Bithoor, the current sewage generation is 13 MLD, 4 MLD and 1.3 MLD respectively. However, there is no existing STP in any of these three towns. The projects which have been sanctioned under NamamiGangeprogramme for these towns are I&D of drains and 2 MLD STP at Bithoor costing Rs. 13.40 crore, I&D of drains and 15 MLD STP at Unnao costing Rs. 102.20 crore and I&D of drains and 5 MLD STP at Shuklaganj costing Rs. 65.18 crore.
About NamamiGange
Under the NamamiGange Program, 221 projects have been sanctioned for sewage infrastructure, Ghats and crematoria development, river front development, river surface cleaning, institutional development, biodiversity conservation, afforestation and rural sanitation at a total cost of Rs. 22,238 crore. Out of these, 58 projects have been completed. A total of 95 projects for the development of sewerage infrastructure to create new and rehabilitate total treatment capacity of 1948.18 MLD (Million Litres Per day) and laying of sewer network of 4344 km at an estimated cost of Rs. 14475 crore have been sanctioned and are at various stages of execution.The projects taken up so far will take care of all the interventions required forthe 5 states along the Ganga main stem– Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal in respect of sewage treatment requirements till year 2035.The mandate of NamamiGangeprogramme extends to Ganga’s tributaries and 10 projects are being taken up on Yamuna, Kali, Ram Ganga, Saryu and Kosi to create and rehabilitate a total STP (Sewage Treatment Plant) capacity of 1353.5 MLD, laying of 436 km sewerage network at an estimated cost of Rs. 3027.59 crore.NMCG is working in mission mode to execute the multi-facettedNamamiGangeProgramme and achieve the goal of ‘Nirmal’and ‘Aviral’ Ganga.