Jai Ram Thakur urges Centre to provide legitimate share from BBMB projects
Demand Royalty on Power Generated on River flowing through Himachal
5 Dariya News
Shimla 03-Jul-2018
Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur while addressing the Conference of Power and New Renewable Energy Ministers of States and UTs. here today urged the Union Government for providing royalty to the State on the water for the Power produced on the rivers flowing through the State as was being given to the other states for other natural resources. He said that although major power projects such as Bhakra Dam and Pong Dam were situated on the land of Himachal, but it was unfortunate that the State has been deprived of its legitimate share from these projects as compensation. He said that large number of people of the State were displaced due to these projects and are still waiting for rehabilitation. He said that the State has also been deprived of its share from BBMB projects.Chief Minister said that the State has the distinction of being first State of the country to have achieved the target of cent per cent rural electrification way back in 1988. He said that the State also have distinction in providing electricity to the highest village of the world Kaumik situated at a height of 15,124 feet above sea level. He said that the State was endeavoring to construct mini and micro power projects in far flung and rural areas of the State to provide uninterrupted power to the people besides ensuring socio-economic upliftment of these areas. He urged the Union Government to provide Special Grant and liberal financial assistance for these endeavours of the State Government.He said that out of the total about 27000 MW power potential available in the State only 10547 has been harnessed till date. The main reason of this has been the limited resources available with the State.
Jai Ram Thakur said that the State has been ranked third in implementation of UDAY Scheme of the Union Government throughout the country. Keeping in view the difficult topographical conditions of the State he urged the Union Power Minister to increase the time period of IPDS and Deen Dayal Upadhaya Gram Jyoti Yojana for another one year so that maximum number of people of the State could ripe the benefits of these schemes. Chief Minister said that the State was only producing environment friendly power and complete ban has been imposed on Thermal Power Houses. He said that about 90 per cent power used in the State was environment friendly and the State was poised to provide cent per cent consumers environment friendly electricity. He said that tourism and power generation were the two major sectors playing a major role in economic development of the State. The Government was now contemplating to develop “Hydro Tourism” by including Hydro Power sector with tourism so that both these sectors could be fully harnessed to strengthen the economy of the State. He urged the Union Power Minister to direct the Central and Joint Sector Undertakings and BBMB to insure their participation in this initiative of the State Government.Jai Ram Thakur said that the State Government has made some amendments in the Power Policy of the State to make it more realistic and practical. He said that this would also help the investors in power sector to smoothly implement their power projects with minimum impact on environment.
Chief Minister urged the Union Power Minister to bring all hydro power projects under Akshay Urja. Like Solar Power responsibility provision should be made for hydro power responsibility and separate Tender document be formulated as the tender document midterm power purchase formulated by the Power Ministry were feasible only for Thermal Power and no practical for hydro power, he added. He also urged the Union Power Minister to exempt hydro power from wheeling charges as was being done in case of Solar Power.Union Minister of State for Power and Renewable Energy (Independent Charge) R.K.Singh while addressing the Conference said that Power was one of the major sectors which could prove a key to prosperity of the State and Nation as Energy was the engine of growth. He said that still lot more need to be done and the Union Government under the able leadership of Prime Minister Narinder Modi was committed to provide uninterrupted power supply to all the households in the country by the 31 March, 2019. He said that this was a Herculean task but the strong will power and dedication of the Government would ensure that the objective was achieved in stipulated time period.Shri Singh said that the Union Government would make necessary reforms in the power sector for ensuring that even the remotest part of the State has electricity connection. He said that the government was providing liberal assistance to the States for ensuring effective implementation of all the Central programmes in the power sector. He said that assistance was being provided for HT and LT lines, transformers, sub stations etc.
He said that within three years smart meter with prepaid charging facilities would be provided with no manpower required. He said that this would not only provide better power supply to the consumers but also remove and loss due to human error.The Union Minister of State for Power and New and Renewable Energy said that the Union Government would provide all possible help to the states for achieving the targets set by the Union Government. He said that the Government would provide incentives to the State and its team for achieving the targets within the time period.Secretary Power Government of India A.K.Bhalla welcomed the delegates and detailed various initiatives being taken by the Union Government for strengthening Power sector.Power Minister of Arunachal Pradesh Tameo Taga, Power Power Minister of Haryana Krishan Lal Pawar, Power Minister of Jharkhand C.P. Singh, Power Minister of Kerala M.M. Mani, Power Minister of Orissa Sushant Singh, Power Minister of West Bengal Shobhan Dev Chatopadhaya, Power Minister of Delhi Satyendra Kumar Jain, Power Minister of Himachal Pradesh Anil Sharma, Secretary New and Renewable Energy Government of India Anand Kumar, Additional Chief Secretary-cum Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Dr. Shri Kant Baldi, Additional Chief Secretary Power Tarun Kapoor, Chief Managing Director SJVNL Nand Lal Sharma were present on the occasion others.