Workshop on Outcome Based Accreditation Awareness at LCET
5 Dariya News
Ludhiana 23-Feb-2018
Workshop on Outcome Based Accreditation Awareness Workshop at its campus in association with IKGPTU . Key note speaker at the moment was Dr. Akshay Girdhar, Professor (IT), GNDEC & Chairman of Board of Studies for Computer Applications and IT for number of renowned universities. . Dignitaries from 15 PTU affiliated colleges participated in this workshop. Naresh Kumar, Assistant Registrar (Admissions), IKGPTU was also present on the occasion Key Note speaker Dr. Akshay Girdhar, during his address, shared the basic information about NBA/NAAC Accreditation System and the process of getting the accreditation. He also discussed about the important documents related to NBA/NAAC and desired parameters regarding compliance and pre-visit qualifiers. He further explained about the NAAC quality indicator framework and the distribution of metrics and KLS across criteria. He provided core information about vision, mission and role of various departments, programs, Head of departments, program coordinators, module coordinators and stake holders in the NBA/NAAC Accreditation System.Chairman LCET Vijay Gupta while speaking at the moment gave information about importance of Accreditation. According to him accreditation is essential to determine if an institution meets or exceeds minimum standards of quality. It also helps students to determine the acceptable institutions for enrolment.