5 Dariya News

Punjab Government committed to provide debt waiver scheme benefits to all eligible beneficiary farmers : Tejbir Singh

Chief Minister's Principal Secretary Tejbir Singh reviewed development and welfare schemes of SAS Nagar's

5 Dariya News

S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) 06-Jan-2018

The Punjab government is committed to provide the benefit of the loan waiver scheme to all the eligible beneficiary farmers and in the first phase, loan up to Rs 2 lakh is being waived off for two acre land holders. During this first phase, the loan from the cooperative banks will be waived off while the loan from the other banks will also be waived off in phases  All the SDMs should ensure that no eligible beneficiaries are deprived of taking advantage of the farm loan waiver scheme. This instruction were given by the Principle Secretary to Chief Minister Mr. Tejbir Singh during a special meeting with the officials to review the various development and welfare schemes in the District Administrative Complex alongwith with Special Principal Secretary Mr. Gurkirat Kirpal Singh here today. He said that in the next phase, 05 acres and small farmers would be given the loan waiver benifit up to Rs. 2 lakhs.The Principal Secretary said that 4019 eligible beneficiaries have been identified from the list of 5131 farmers of less than two and half acre land in SAS Nagar district. 'For the early detection of the remaining beneficiaries, the SDM's and Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Department have been issued instructions, added Mr. Tejbir.

Mr. Tejbir Singh also instructed the concerned authorities to extend the benefits of all the welfare schemes under Mahatma Gandhi Sarvat Development Yojana to every poor and needy beneficiary. He said that survey of various needy beneficiaries under this scheme have been completed in 338 villages out of 339 villages of SAS Nagar district. He instructed the District Officials to immediately send the list of beneficiaries under the scheme to the concerned departments so that all the eligible beneficiaries could be benefited from these welfare schemes. He also instructed the officials no eligible should be deprived from the welfare benefits.The Principal Secretary directed that maximum number of such development works should be carried under Magnrega scheme in which more employment opportunities could be created. He also asked the officials to focus on providing training of job oriented courses under Skill Development Mission to provide benefit to the Youth under Ghar Ghar Rozgar Scheme. He also reviewed the old age pensionscheme, Ata Dal scheme, Sarab Shiksha Abhiyaan and drug rehabilitation and rehabilitation schemes in this special meeting.Mr. Gurkirat Kirpal Singh Special Principle Secretary to CM, Mrs. Gurpreet Kaur Sapra District Deputy Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner Mr. Charandev Singh Mann, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Development) Mr. Sanjeev Garg, SDM, Assistant Commissioner (General), Assistant Commissioner (Complaints), District Officers of various departments were also present in the meeting.