Health Camp at Amarpur as Part of Navy Week Celebrations
5 Dariya News
Palwal 19-Nov-2016
As a part of Navy Week celebration, Indian Navy is conducting a free health camp for the general public from 19 to 21 Nov 16 at Amarpur village, Palwal district, Haryana. Through this outreach programme the Indian Navy will bring about awareness in the general public about the role and task of the Navy and also to encourage youngsters to consider Navy as a career.In a glittering function, the camp was inaugurated by Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, the Chief of the Naval Staff at Government Senior Secondary School, Amarpur today, 19 Nov 16. Surgeon Vice Admiral Bipin Puri, PHS, Director General Medical Services (Navy) welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. Shri. Ashok Kumar Sharma, DC Palwal, Ms Anju Chaudhary Asst DC Palwal and Shri Abhimanyu DSP Palwal were present at the function. Surgeon Commodore SC Gupta, Principal Director Medical Services delivered the vote of thanks.After the inaugural function, the Chief Guest Admiral Sunil Lanba, PVSM, AVSM, ADC visited the out-patient departments and interacted with the medical staff of doctors, nursing officers & medical technicians.
A medical team consisting of specialists, super-specialists and para-medical staff from the premiere naval hospital INHS Asvini at Mumbai have been instrumental in the conduct of the camp. The specialists will conduct out-patient consultation for medical, surgical, gynaecology, paediatric, eye, ENT, skin, cardiology and endocrinology ailments. The camp is supported by a dental chair for minor dental ailments and by laboratory, ultrasonography, echocardiography and pharmacy facilities. The camp also have facilities to screen for cancer cervix and cancer breast in women.As prelude to the camp, a mobile laboratory with facilities to carry out blood investigations was established at four villages, viz., Balai on 12 Nov 16, Rampur Khor on 13 Nov 16, Jalhaka on 14 Nov 16 and Amarpur on 15 & 16 Nov 16. Nearly 600 people were benefited by the mobile laboratory.