Quest Group organized PTU sponsored five days FDP Quality Teaching & Career counseling
5 Dariya News
S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) 18-Jul-2016
Quest Group of Institutions concluded five day Faculty Development program on Quality Teaching & Career counseling at its campus sponsored by I K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandahr . The programme included several informative lecture sessions by prominent academicians & researchers of the region.The Program was inaugurated by Chairman Quest Group D. S Sekhon by lamp lightening followed by Lecture on Teaching & learning based on ICT- Information & Communication technology” by Dr Sanjay Batish, Professor (CSE), Coordinator TEQIP & Head, Computer Centre at PEC. The preceding days witnessed lectures by Professor Sunder Singh Ex Professor, Thappar University ,Patiala on Stress & Time management , Dr Manoj Bali, Principal BHSBIET, Gaga on Quality dimension in Education, Dr P K Bansal, Director General , Quest Group, spoke on Teaching Learning process ,Dr P S Bhimbhra, Ex professor & Dean Thapar University, Patiala told how to teach effectively, Dr P K Singla, Associate Professor, Curriculum Development Centre, NITTTR, Chandigarh gave information about Effective Communication skills, Dr. Y K Anand, Professor, NITTTR, Chandigarh gave information about Professional Technical Teacher’s role, Motivation & Effectiveness, Dr Vijay Jadon, Professor , Chitkara University, gave information about Career counseling.
The Program was attended by about 40 Faculty members from various institutions.Dr Buta Singh Dean Academics PTU presided over the Valedictory session as the Chief Guest. Dr Buta Singh expressed his gratitude on interacting with erudite audience whom he referred to as “GURUS”. He appreciated the organizers for inviting faculty who are omniscient in their respective fields. He further added that in view of the challenging times ahead Teacher has a bigger role to guide students to attain knowledge from different perspectives. All the members from various colleges of PTU, who actively participated & extended their horizons from this FDP were honored.Chairman Quest Group D S Sekhon added that quality teaching is not only integral for an individual’s progress but is also necessary for a Nation’s advancement. In the end he advised the participants to apply the knowledge attained during the program for effective delivery in the class room.