Parshottam Rupala takes over charge as the new Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
5 Dariya News
New Delhi 08-Jul-2016
Parshottam Rupala took over charge as the new Minister of State for Agriculture & Farmers Welfare here today. Speaking on the occasion, the Minister said that his priority is to execute centre’s roadmap for the development of Agriculture sector and Famers Welfare.
Positions held by Parshottam Rupala
Nov. 1991- March 1995 Member, Gujarat Legislative Assembly March 1995- Dec. 1997 Member, Gujarat Legislative Assembly (second term) 19 March 1995-20 Oct. 1995 Cabinet Minister, Narmada, Irrigation and Water Supply, Government of Gujarat 4 Nov. 1995-18 Sept. 1996 Cabinet Minister, Irrigation and Water Supply, Government of Gujarat March 1997- Dec. 1997 Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, Gujarat Legislative Assembly March 1998- July 2002 Member, Gujarat Legislative Assembly (third term) June 1998-Oct. 2001 Chairman, Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (G.I.D.C.) 9 Oct. 2001-21 Dec. 2002 Cabinet Minister, Agriculture, Government of Gujarat April 2008 Elected to Rajya Sabha May 2008-May 2009 Member, Committee on Food, Consumer Affairs and Public Distribution Aug. 2009-Aug. 2010 Member, Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice July 2010 onwards Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Shipping Sept. 2010 – Aug. 2012 Member, Committee on Chemicals and Fertilizers May 2012 onwards Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the Table Aug. 2012 onwards Member, Committee on Agriculture Sept. 2012 onwards Member, National Shipping Board. Shri Ruapala was born on 1st October, 1954 and is a Science Graduate along with B.Ed.