Stable Pakistan will guarantee peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute: Zaffer Akbar Bhat
K-resolution will guarantee peace in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan
5 Dariya News
Srinagar 01-Jun-2016
Senior Pro-freedom leader and Jammu Kashmir Salvation Movement Chairman Zaffer Akbar Bhat Wednesday while addressing ‘Kashmir International Conference’ at Jinnah convention center Islamabad Pakistan said that Stable Pakistan will guarantee peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute.“I am addressing such a conference for the first time. Let me thank Pakistan and Pakistanis for supporting our freedom struggle. At every moment we pray for the stability of Pakistan as we firmly believe a strong, vibrant and stable Pakistan can guarantee the resolution of Kashmir dispute,” Zaffer said while addressing the jam packed conference.According to a statement issued to KNS, he said that Kashmiris have and are rendering priceless sacrifices for the peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute and it is high to honor those sacrifices by accelerating diplomatic support to Kashmir freedom struggle. “We witness the grave human rights violations on every day. Our mothers and daughters are rendering sacrifices, our youngsters are laying down their lives and in every hook and corner people are offering sacrifices,” he said in an emotional tune.Bhat said that peaceful resolution of Kashmir Conflict can ensure peace in India, Pakistan and Afghanistan .
Zaffer slammed Indian authorities for barring Veteran Hurriyat Leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani, Mirvaiz Umar Farooq, Mohd Yasin Malik to attend the conference and hoped Pakistan will continue to its political, moral and diplomatic support to ongoing freedom struggle.APHC leader Agha Syed Hassan Budgami while addressing the conference said that India has illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. “There are UN resolutions which promise right to self determination to the people of Kashmir. Indian political Leaders have too promised the same but they Kashmiris who demand their birth right ‘right to self determination’ are being killed,” he said.He said India and Pakistan can’t normalize the bilateral ties can’t till Kashmir issue gets resolved.“Unless issue of Kashmir is not resolved, a reliable and durable relation between the two countries cannot be guaranteed,” he added.He said that Kashmir resolution can change the seven decades old enmity into friendship.
“India declaring UN resolutions absolute is totally baseless and Drama. Both the countries are nuclear powers and china and Russia are their neighbor nuclear countries. A war between these two countries can spoil the whole region. So it is necessary for India and Pakistan to solve all outstanding issues through negotiations,” Budgami added.Dr Atiya Anayatullah Andrabi while addressing the conference said that Kashmir deserves world attention. “Kashmir is not the territorial dispute but it is the international dispute. Until Kashmir is addressed the Kashmir issue at international level, security threat to the whole world is eminent,” he said.A message of Syed Ali Shah Geelani was played on overhead projector in which Geelani said this seminar will represent the sentiments of the people of Kashmir. India has occupied Kashmir by force and is committing unprecedented atrocities in Kashmir. 600000 people are martyred so far, thousands are disappeared and jailed. Unless people of Kashmir will be given right to self determination, we will continue our struggle.
He said that it is not the issue of land between Pakistan and India , it is the issue of 12000000 people of Kashmir. Pakistan should convey message of Kashmir to all ambassadors in Pakistan Geelani added. Atrocities committed in Kashmir should be highlighted through this seminar Geelani stressed. Stable Pakistan is our foremost need. insha allah Pakistan will help us in the resolution of Kashmir issue.AJK President while addressing a seminar said that welcomes the guests in the conference. This seminar is a message for international community to resolve the Kashmir issue. Kashmiris of occupied Kashmir should keep this in mind that Azad Kashmir will play vital role as base camp for this movement Yaqoob khan added. Syed Ali shah geelani is awarded degree od doctorate by MUST president announced.Abdul Rashid Turabbi, Amer-i-jamati islami Azad Kashmir said that Kashmiris will get freedom at any cost. The sacrifices of kashmiris could not go waiste Turrabi added. kashmir issue is internationally recognized issue Turabi maintained. We have to make a comprehensive strategy against the conspiracy hatched by India for demographic changes in Kashmir Turrabi stressed. Kashmiris are determinant to liberate Kashmir from cruel clutches of India turrabi said.Shaikh Tajjammul Islam director Kashmir media service while addressing a conference said the peace in south asia lies in resolution of Kashmir issue.
Extremist of India are making conspiracies of demographic changes in kashmir, he added. 16 innocent kashmiris are killed in late 16 days. International conferences will highlght the kashmir isuue shaikh added.Dr Muhammad khan, Ghulam Mohammd Safi, Mishal Malik and Amjad Rashed Mep also addressed the seminar.Raja zuffar-ul-haq Kashmir issue is threat for the stable peace and harmony of the region. Committing human rights violations on innocent people of Kashmir is a permanent feature of India army Zafaurul haq said. Pakistanis are unfied on only one issue that is the issue of Kashmir zaffar ul haq maintained. Pakistanis are always expressing solidarity with the people of Kashmir, Pakistan demands India to repel draconian laws, Pakistan wants peaceful solution of this dispute zaffar-ul- haq said. He added that Pakistan encourages settlement of all outstanding issues through peaceful means. Pakistan desires prosperous south Asia and wants peaceful solution of Kashmir Zaffar Ul Haq added. Kashmiris will get freedom insha allah, Zaffar-Ul-Haq added.International Kashmir seminar was organized at convention center Islamabad by Mirpur University of science and technology ( Must) in which a large number of delegates from all across the world have participated. Delegation of occupied Kashmir include Zaffar Akbar Bhat, Agha Syed Hassan Budgami, lawyers, journalists and scholars. Members of European Parliament and councilors of united kingdom also participated in this conference. Scholars, students, journalist, leaders of APHC Azad Kashmir Chapter, professors, human rights activists were also in this seminar. (KNS)