Quest Group of Institute organised Industrial Visit to Technospecs Technologies of CSE students
5 Dariya News
S.A.S. Nagar ( Mohali ) 24-Feb-2016
CSE students of Quest Group of Institute visited Technospecs Technologies. While visiting student took a round of the company. They interacted with the employees to know about the working environment & took some tips regarding working in the company. They also visit the server room with latest cloud technologies. During an interactive session a Trainer discussed about latest technologies i.e. Java, PHP and Android. He also gave information about new features added to latest version of Android. They also focused on the live projects handled by their organisation. Other than the technical discussion, motivational lecture was also conducted.
Students got opportunity to interact with the developers and came to know about the real development environment.While motivating the students D.S.Sekhon, Chairman of the institute said that such visits are paramount important for engineering students .They Motivate and inspire the students to work hard and excel in their desired field .Besides, in this visit students came to know about latest technologies like android studio and information about new trends and PHP & networking were also imparted to the students.