Government misleading Panchayats : Mir
5 Dariya News
Jammu 24-Dec-2013
Describing the new directive of JK Government regarding Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as an other joke, Shafiq Mir, Chairman All Jammu and Kashmir Panchayat Conference (AJKPC) said that the latest rumor of the government was only an attempt to pert the attention of the Panchayats from the 73rd amendment which he said is the only legal instrument to empower the PRIs.In his statement issued here, Shafiq Mir said that there is no other way to empower the Panchayats until and unless legal grantee is given to the institution which is possible only through the implementation of 73rd amendment of Indian constitution regarding Panchayati raj in the state of Jammu and Kashmir . It is pertinent to mention here that on Monday , Government of Jammu and Kashmir has issued new directive to all Block Development Officers of the state asking them to convene the monthly meeting of Panchayats with other 14 departments . Mir said earlier too, last year, the government had issued similar directive through which the ADDC of each district was asked to work as a nodal officer between Panchayats and other 14 departments identified by the government under the control of Panchayats . “ When ADDC has failed to deliver any thing , how a BDO can do any miracle”, says Mir adding that it was just an other attempt of the state government to get rid of the demand of 73rd amendment raised by Panchayats . Shafiq Mir said that already the government has wasted their time in such futile meetings and there was no fun of convening such meetings . “ We demand the powers with constitutional guarantee and that is possible only through 73rd amendment”. Said Mir.Mir has also asked the coalition partner Congress to clear its stand on the issue as the matter has twice been in the election manifesto of the party and there seems no further reason to delay it . “ And we don’t want this issue be further pushed to next manifesto”, he added .